Fast and Effective UX Design: Learn the Process Information
Learn How To Complete The UX Design Process In A Fast And Efficient Way
- Create and interpret user profiles
- Accurately assess business goals and requirements
- Sketch wireframes for a website and mobile app
- Facilitate an efficient UX design session with tools that work
Navigating the UX design of a digital project can take weeks and even months – in Fast and Effective UX Design: Learn the Process, design veteran Jose Caballer boils it down into just one action-packed session with a real client.
The designer’s role on a team is changing in the start-up age, and navigating competing interests and priorities on a team can be challenging; Jose demonstrates how to facilitate the UX design process with confidence, efficiency, and finesse. In this rare opportunity, watch him lead a live session with a client, moving from goal setting to user profiles to wireframe design with ease. Jose breaks the classroom’s “fourth wall”, pausing to note facilitation techniques in real time, sharing tips and ready-to-use templates.
The UX design process is about facilitating, listening, and translating. In Fast and Effective UX Design: Learn the Process, Jose Caballer shows you how the pros do it, and equips you with what you need to do it yourself.
This class is designed for creative professionals new and veteran to the UX design process: start-up entrepreneurs, UX designers, designers transitioning to UX, project managers, and more.
What You’ll Learn In Fast and Effective UX Design: Learn the Process?
- Class Introduction
- UX Facilitation Overview
- Brand Attributes, Customer Profiles, & Business Goals
- The Facilitation Framework
- Introducing The Client: SmartFeed
- UX Overview Q & A
- Meet the Client: The SmartFeed Stakeholders
- Alignment Exercise
- Creating an Agenda
- Creating a User Profile: Single Dad
- Creating a User Profile: Millennial Mom
- Defining Awareness Goals
- Establishing Efficiency Goals
- User Story Introduction
- Sketching The User Story
- Sketching Page 2
- Checking In: What Is or Isn’t Working
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Salepage: Fast and Effective UX Design: Learn the Process – Jose Caballer