Sales Page By Design Review: Is It Worth The Cost?

Sales Page By Design Review

Welcome to Sales Page By Design Review!

Sales landing pages are landing pages designed for the very bottom of the funnel, with one specific purpose: getting people to seal the deal by making a purchase.

Where sales landing pages differ from general landing pages is you’re now asking users for money, instead of just a name and an email, in exchange for the download.

As such, the sales page needs to be very persuasive, building trust and driving action with social proof, great imagery, and yes, some understanding of the psychological forces that come into play here.

In this course, we’ll go over some best practices for designing sales pages that compel users to pull out their credit cards.

Let’s get right to the course

Sales Page By Design Review
Sales Page By Design Review

What is Sales Page By Design a bout?

Your journey to creating sales pages that convert is about to start… A transformation that will finally let you build a real business of your dreams that works for you over and over again- without any additional work!

One that attracts money without you being tied to your computer.

One that can scale and grow without you working harder and harder.

One that gives you the freedom to walk away and spend time doing the things you want to do… And always know that everything is handled.

One you can run from virtually ANYWHERE in the world you want.

A business that will let you live your truth and make an exceptional living while doing it…

The Simple Step-by-Step, Template-Driven System for Assembling Your Highest Converting Sales Page YET… or Your Money Back!

  • Detailed Training That Guides You Through the Process of Writing the 16 Essential Sections Needed for a Complete and Successful Sales Page!
  • Plug-&-Play Templates & Fill-in-the-Blank Sections for Easy Sales Page Assembly That Takes the Hassle and Intimidation out of Writing Copy!
  • Steal Our Complete Processes for Not Just Writing, but DESIGNING and PUBLISHING a Sales Page That Looks Like a Million Bucks!
  • Swipe Files and Sales Page Examples That Convert So You Have Endless Examples and Inspiration!

…because your digital product (and your future customers) deserve the best!

Who is James Wedmore?

James Wedmore
James Wedmore

New York City-based James Wedmore is the author of The YouTube Marketing Book (Level 5 Publishing, 2012) and founder of Video Traffic Academy, a community of video marketers.

James Wedmore was born and raised in sunny Laguna Beach, CA and now resides and runs his business in the beautiful red rocks of Sedona, AZ. For the last 15 years, James has leveraged his expertise to help teach Digital CEOs how to build and scale their online businesses through courses and trainings like his signature program, Business By Design, other programs such as Sales Page By Design and Nail Your Niche, as well as many other business-building trainings inside of James’ abundant course library.

Along with being notorious in the online space for his unrivaled online courses and content, James also facilitates Next Level, a strategic, group-coaching experience as well as his high-level Mastermind, The Inner Circle.

When James isn’t working, he can be found hiking, flipping homes for Airbnb, or off-roading through the rocky terrain of Sedona. His motto is simple: Work hard, play harder!

How Sales Page By Design Work?

To the Course Creator Who Knows Your Digital Product Deserves the BEST Sales Page:

“Give Me 8 Days & You’ll Walk Away with a Complete Sales Page That Actually Converts!”

Great Sales Pages Aren’t Written… They Are BUILT!

…one section at a time!

The Right Sales Page Doesn’t Just Increase Sales of Your Digital Product, it also:

  • Establishes credibility and authority in your marketplace!
  • Helps you ditch unscalable sales processes like 1-to-1 phone sales!
  • Prevents REFUNDS by repelling those who aren’t actually the right fit for your stuff!
  • Creates a 1-stop shop that accurately showcases your past testimonials and product features!
  • And… it does all of this for you without YOU having to sell yourself!

The #1 Mistake Broke Course Creators Keep Making:

When Course Creators aren’t converting, they overcompensate. They stuff their prospects full of more free content. And if you’re doing this, you risk leaving your audience completely confused and overwhelmed.

And you already know that an overwhelmed mind does NOT buy.

Or worse! Mistake #2…

When they don’t see the sales they want, they just crank up their FB Ad spend and lose more money sending traffic to a broken page. That’s like trying to fill a leaky bucket with more water!

Throwing money at the PROBLEM doesn’t work! Other struggling Course Creators recognize that their sales page (or lack thereof) is the cause of their low sales, so they go out and find a pricey copywriter to “fix it.”

But the reality is, throwing money at the problem doesn’t make it go away! Not to mention that a copywriter who is actually GOOD at what they do ain’t cheap! Don’t you think paying someone $2-$3,000 to create that “perfect” sales page is just a little too good to be true?

In fact, until you FACE the copy problem (your business has) head on, that problem is never going to go away.

And after 14 years of selling digital products and taking my company to over $9M in revenue last year, it’s as clear and simple as this:

You Aren’t in The Digital Product Business…

You Are in the Copy Business!

Your business NEEDS great copy. Your digital products DESERVE great copy!

How else do you expect people to give you money if you can’t accurately communicate how you help them?!

But when you keep “outsourcing” this important skill to an outsider, your business never LEARNS this skill! So, what happens when this copywriter delivers garbage? Heck! How do you know their copy is any good?

What happens when it doesn’t convert?

Or they didn’t write it in your voice?

What then? It’s back to square one… minus the $3,000.

But when you LEARN and MASTER the skills of how to use words to sell, you take that skill with you wherever you go!

What will you receive when you participate in this Sales Page By Design?


Sales Page By Design Review
Sales Page By Design Review

The 16 Essential Sections of a High-Converting Sales Page

Every great recipe is made up of a list of ingredients… take a cake for example! Forget even one ingredient (like the sugar) and the cake is ruined! That’s how the sales page for your digital product works!

Inside Sales Page By Design, you won’t just get a list of the 16 ingredients required to cook up a high-converting sales page. You’ll get step-by-step training walking you through exactly how to NAIL each section without having to take 10 copywriting courses!

Imagine how much easier and fun it will be to assemble your sales page when you can simply follow the fill-in-the-blank templates and formulas for each section!

The 16 “Ingredients” of High-Converting Sales Pages:

Below is a Sneak-Peak at ALL 16 Required Sections That You’ll Create inside Sales Page By Design:

  • Above the Fold Attention Getter
  • Empathy & Warning (Consequence)
  • Introduce the Solution/Vehicle
  • Introducing Your Offer The Right Way
  • Social Proof
  • Modules Break Down
  • The Pricing Conversation
  • The Pricing Table
  • The Simple Pricing Section
  • Guarantee
  • Bonuses
  • Recap Section
  • The Bind
  • FAQ Section
  • Earnings Disclaimer
  • Footer

Training 2: Conversion Copy Fundamentals

Sales Page By Design Review
Sales Page By Design Review

How the Pro’s Write!

Get inside my brain! When you’ve been writing copy and creating sales pages for 14 years in numerous niches, how much will it help to get inside my brain and see exactly how I approach writing and why it’s so different than most?! In this section…

I’ll Reveal the Invisible Elements Beneath the Surface That Creates Powerfully Persuasive Copy!

you’ll discover…


Including: what I look for, what questions to ask, and how to know you have a homerun offer before you write a single word of copy!


is to get your people to actually read your sales page!


“MARKET SOPHISTICATION” and how to accurately meet your prospects at where they are at in the marketplace.


to hypnotize and engage your readers… even if you’re like me and thinking, “I don’t have any good stories!”


Training 3: Sales Page Design for the Non-Designer

Sales Page By Design Review
Sales Page By Design Review

“It’s Not Just Enough to Create a Sales Page Worth a Million Bucks… it’s Gotta Look Like a Million Bucks Too, Right?!”

Today, great design and branding will separate you from the competition and position you as the established, credible authority that you are!

Think about it! What’s your first impression about a business when you see a page like this:

Outdated? Amateur? Fake?

Is that how you want people to think about you? Of course not!

So how do you create professional-looking “on-brand” design without breaking the bank with an overpriced designer?!

Inside Sales Page By Design, I walk you through…

  • Simple-to-follow design elements anyone can learn to “spruce up” your sales pages.
  • How and where to hire inexpensive designers!
  • Plus! Get access to our pre-made templates for plug-&-play design you can use instantly!

Training 4: How to Build & Publish for the Non-Techy!

Sales Page By Design Review
Sales Page By Design Review

The last thing you need is the “World’s Greatest Sales Page” sitting on your desktop collecting dust. Until it gets published and seen by the World, it won’t ever do anything to help you bring in more sales!

That’s Why I’ve Included an Entire Step-by-Step Sales Page PROCESS For Hosting And Publishing Your Page Without a Fancy Programmer Or Techie Skills!

If you can follow directions, you can get your sales page up online and published for the world to see!

See more: instagram sales page; how to create a sales page on squarespace; sales page formula; sales page design templates

Pricing Sales Page By Design

Sales Page By Design Review
Sales Page By Design Review

For a two payments of $597, you can obtain lifetime access to the Sales Page By Design course without any recurring charges or other costs.

PLUS, James Wedmore Guaranteeing Your Success in 2 Ways:

Guarantee #1: Test-Drive the Entire System for 30 Days

When you enroll, you’ll have 30 days to go through EVERYTHING inside the program, and if for whatever reason… and I mean ANY reason… if you don’t feel like this was the best investment you’ve made for turning your sales page into a high-converting machine, simply email Alysha at [email protected] and we’ll gladly refund your entire investment… no questions asked!  You can even keep the program!

Guarantee #2:  A Full Year to Prove Your Results

After you pass your initial 30 days of being blown away by what’s been really missing on your sales page, I’ll give you an additional 11 months to put the training into action. If you do not see any positive results from this training, simply let them know and they’ll refund your investment.

If you find the price of this course is higher than your income, you can check out our cheap course HERE.

What are people saying about Sales Page By Design?

I saw a number of social media user reviews after doing some research to find out more about the course. Here are some of their quotes:

Sales Page By Design Review
Sales Page By Design Review
Sales Page By Design Review
Sales Page By Design Review
Sales Page By Design Review
Sales Page By Design Review

(We have Coaching sales page template, Sales pages for coaches, Sales funnel landing page examples in Here)

Conclusion: Sales Page By Design Review

Sales landing pages offer an opportunity to influence sales directly. By incorporating the right tactics, you can thoroughly explain your offer, build trust with visitors, and win more customers.

Still, it’s easier said than done. If you do not see the numbers you were hoping for or want to make sure you’ve set the stage for conversions, sign up for Sales Page By Design course.

If you have any questions, feel free to leave any additional comments or questions in the section below.