Brand Design Mastery Review: Is Ran Segall a Scam?

Brand Design Mastery Review

Welcome to Brand Design Mastery Review!

Looking for a comprehensive, self-paced course on professional brand design? Look no further than the Brand Design Mastery!

Are you ready to create more value for your clients and increase your earnings per project? The Brand Design Mastery is the program for you.

Let’s get right to the course…

Brand Design Mastery
Brand Design Mastery

What is Brand Design Mastery a bout?

Adding branding to your services means creating more value and charging more.

But even though it sounds like a smart business move, you haven’t figured out how to make it work for you.

Potential clients approach you for branding but sales conversations fizzle out because you don’t know how to achieve their business goals, and they can tell.

Or worse, you aren’t sure what you’re supposed to deliver for a branding package so you don’t even attempt to sell it to clients.

Adding branding to your services feels ridiculous (even if you’re already doing it unofficially) because your own branding looks so amateur.

You know you should be looking for clients but you feel you’re unable to piece together a process that you can follow from start to finish.

Even when a client does pay you to design their brand identity, you get stuck in endless loops of feedback and revisions because they don’t trust you enough.

You don’t want to just muddle through client projects like an amateur.

You want to follow a complete, tried-and-tested roadmap, knowing you aren’t missing or skipping any steps.

You want to work with bigger clients, do what you love full time, and build a stable business.

Everything you need to sell and deliver full professional brand design as a service

Brand Design Mastery is an online course designed to help you go from robust strategy to unique visual identity as efficiently as possible.

It’s the only program available that covers both strategy and design AND includes coaching and support to help you implement what you learn.

By the end of the program, you’ll be able to…

Offer a full-stack solution

No more leaving money on the table because you’re limited to web design when your clients need more. You’ll create more value for your clients and earn more money per project.

Work faster

Stop wasting time making mistakes that can be prevented with a clear, step-by-step process. We’ll show you how to go from strategy to visual identity while making life infinitely easier for yourself and your clients.

Advise clients on strategy

There are clients out there who want your expert advice. You’ll learn how to uncover the true essence of a company and use that understanding to define a strategy that supports your client’s business goals.

Sell with confidence

Don’t sell yourself short because you’re a “self-taught” designer. We’ll provide feedback and coaching so you can quickly improve your branding skills. Before long, you’ll be able to confidently deliver high quality work and charge accordingly.

Who is Ran Segall?

Ran Segall
Ran Segall

Founder, CEO, Flux Academy

Ran has been a succesful designer working in advertising, branding & tech for 15 years, as after turning into content creation (on YouTube) made the transition to education, and design training. He created multiple courses on the topics of Web Design, Visual Development and Freelancing and is now building his company Flux Academy into a global player in the online design education space.

How Brand Design Mastery Work?

The branding process is thoroughly covered in this course, including strategy, creative direction, and execution. You’ll hear from three subject-matter experts and pick some insightful knowledge about how other professionals operate.

Each video lesson includes simple to understand, step-by-step directions. Real-world demonstrations will let you watch your professors in action, and there will also be practical activities to put what you’ve learned into practice.

You’ll obtain accreditation from Flux Academy once you’ve finished the course project. Additionally, you’ll become a member of a community of more than 6,000 designers from around the world, where you can meet people with whom you can collaborate in the future and create lasting friends.

The videos and course materials are available to you for life once you enroll in Brand Design Mastery. Since the course is totally self-paced, you are free to take your time finishing it.

What will you receive when you participate in this Brand Design Mastery?

Brand Design Mastery
Brand Design Mastery

With the help of the Brand Design Mastery online course, you can provide your next significant customer with a complete branding solution.

This program is for you if you want to broaden your services and improve your earning potential.

Chapter 1: Welcome

  • Course Overview And How To Make The Best Of It (1:01)
  • Course Project & Certification (8:11)
  • Introduction To Instructors (2:18)

Ran will give you a summary of the entire course in this chapter. You’ll get a chance to know your instructors, find out what they want from you, and get guidelines for your course assignments. You’ll also get instructions on how to earn your certificates.

Chapter 2: Closing a Brand design project

  • The Value Of a Strategic Brand Design Process (2:08)
  • The Discovery Call (11:35)
  • Pricing & Scope (16:56)
  • Proposals & Negotiation (9:36)

The discovery and sales phases of a branding project will be the subject of this chapter.

Ran will demonstrate how to turn a company’s core values into a potent, enduring, and distinctive brand identity. You’ll discover how to execute competitive pricing and produce a visual exterior that is consistent with a company’s internal vision and values.

Additionally, you can write proposals and negotiate successfully by using tried-and-true templates.

Chapter 3: Strategy

  • Understanding & Developing Brand Strategy (66:48)
  • Defining Business Purpose: Vision & Mission (3:27)
  • Defining Customer Persona
  • Defining Market Position
  • Finding The Big Idea
  • How To Run a Successful Strategy Session
  • Developing The Strategy & Gaining Insight
  • Presenting The Strategy
  • Strategy Case Studies
  • Homework Assignment

Ran will demonstrate how to conduct a strategy session in this phase to identify the key concept underlying your client’s brand.

You’ll discover how to develop a distinctive brand that supports the goals and objectives of your client’s company.

Additionally, the course contains suggested case studies for your review if you’re seeking for additional materials to investigate.

See more: 3 branding strategies; graphic design mastery; brand design system examples

Chapter 4: Creative Direction in Branding

  • What is Creative Direction? (15:28)
  • Finding Inspiration & Doing Research (31:17)
  • Designing Moodboards (4:45)
  • Presenting Moodboards To Clients (3:55)
  • Creative Direction Case Studies (9:46)
  • Homework Assignment (9:03)

Your teacher Rachel will offer advice on how to get your project’s creative process started in this chapter.

You’ll discover where to go for the greatest materials, where to look for inspiration, and how to set up a strong creative direction for your brand identity projects. You’ll learn from Rachel how to create and present moodboards as well.

You can also look over the case studies on creative direction that are provided in your packet for more reading.

Chapter 5: Designing Logos

  • What Makes a Good Logo (15:13)
  • Logo Types & Terms (9:22)
  • Sketching Ideas (4:26)
  • Vector Techniques For Logos (7:03)
  • Refining The Logo And Composition (15:44)
  • Logo Case Studies (5:52)
  • Homework Assignment (4:41)

Your attention will be on logo design in this chapter. You’ll discover how to use color, type, and imagery to develop a logo and a whole identity design system. Additionally, you will be able to read logo case studies from real designers for ideas for your upcoming project.

Chapter 6: Designing a Visual Identity

  • Developing a Design Concept
  • Working With Type
  • Working With Color
  • Broadening Your Identity Design
  • Applying The Brand Online & Offline: Doing Mockups
  • Putting It All Together: The Presentation
  • Handling Feedback
  • Visual Identity Case Studies
  • Homework Assignment

By developing a brand identity design at this level, you’ll put everything you’ve learnt into practice. You will select one of the three given briefs, build a concept design for it, and produce mockups.

Along with improving your talents, you’ll learn how to take criticism well with the help of the Flux team.

Chapter 7: Delivering the new brand

Wrapping Up The Project (3:25)

Creating Brand Guidelines (5:03)

Delivering Files And Assets (3:06)

Homework Assignment (4:00)

Finalizing your branding project is the subject of Chapter 7. You will learn how to satisfy your client’s expectations while also getting feedback on your work.

You will also turn in the required documents and do the last round of homework.

Chapter 8: Advanced Branding Topics

  • Brand Architecture (4:47)
  • Naming (6:49)
  • Rebranding (5:41)

Along with the thorough teachings throughout the course, there are also insightful discussions on more complex branding issues including brand design, name, and rebranding.

As you expand your branding services and take on more projects, this information will be useful.

Chapter 9: Conclusion & What’s next

  • Getting your certification (15:16)
  • What’s next? (3:15)

Obtaining your certification is the focus of the Brand Design Mastery course’s last section. After completing the course, you’ll have the abilities and knowledge needed to draw in your prospective clientele and produce stunning brand identification designs that will boost your income significantly.

Who is this Brand Design Mastery for?

With the help of this course, you may teach clients how to obtain full branding solutions while raising your charges. Anyone interested in growing their clientele and honing their branding abilities should consider it.

This course is a fantastic fit for you if you’re a web designer wishing to add brand design as a secondary business.

The course can be useful for product designers and graphic designers as well. It gives you the resources you need to work with bigger clients and sell and carry out whole branding campaigns.

Pros and Cons of Brand Design Mastery

Pros of Brand Design Mastery

In-depth instructional videos from three experts

Access to tried-and-tested templates and resources

Certification upon course completion

Cons of Brand Design Mastery

Premium price (but worth it)

Pricing Brand Design Mastery

Brand Design Mastery
Brand Design Mastery

For a one-time investment of $695, you can obtain lifetime access to the Brand Design Mastery course without any recurring charges or other costs. Enjoy additional peace of mind with the 30-day, no-questions-asked money-back guarantee.

Alternatively, you can use the $278 three-month payment plan.

The full-payment option allows you to save a total of $139. So, it’s undoubtedly something to think about.

Flux Academy accepts payments using PayPal or Stripe, making purchasing simple and convenient. You will receive an email immediately after making your order.

If you find the price of this course is higher than your income, you can check out our cheap course HERE.

What are people saying about Brand Design Mastery?

Brand Design Mastery
Brand Design Mastery

(We have Best brand Design courses, Brand design course online, Brand identity course free, Brand Design Masterclass in Here)

Conclusion: Brand Design Mastery Review

Brand Design Mastery is unquestionably an investment worth making. You will receive personalized coaching and feedback to help you put what you have learnt into practice in addition to expert insights on strategy and design. This is the perfect course for you if you’re a web designer wishing to expand your list of offerings to include branding.

If you have any questions, feel free to leave any additional comments or questions in the section below.

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