Phoenix Beginner Liquid FX Course 2.0 by RedefineFX Information
After an amazing response to the tyFlow Basecamp & Deepdive, I’m bringing the same course format to Chaos Phoenix. Follow me along step-by-step as we cover a wide range of simulation scenarios, including an in-depth look at foam & bubble simulations, delicious viscous liquids, melting, freezing, and other condition-based effects using the Particle Tuner, interaction with tyFlow, liquid morphing & other forces, RGB mixing, Wetmaps, realistic slow-motion water splashes, and much more.
While the general misconception is that these sims take forever, I’ve found they’re very fast if you set them up correctly from the start (I’ll show you the proper workflow). With 60+ videos (most content I’ve ever recorded for a course), this one is truly jam-packed, but don’t worry – everything is made in the same beginner-friendly, to-the-point teaching style (with ALL project files included!) you’re used to from me, and all of the new concepts will be crystal clear by the time you’re done with the course.
You can immediately take this practical knowledge and apply it to your work, whether it’s for Archviz, Productviz or High-End commercials & motion design. I’ve used these effects to attract amazing clients and charge thousands of dollars per project & I’m giving away everything I’ve learned over 5 years of using Phoenix in this value-packed, Beginner -> Pro course. And why the 2.0 in the title? This course is a new, completely rebuilt and expanded version of the original 2019 Phoenix FD Beginner Liquid FX Course 1.0
What You’ll Learn In Phoenix Beginner Liquid FX Course 2.0 by RedefineFX?
Chapter 01: The Quick Win Water Sim Project
- Quick Win Water Sim Setup start to finish (jump right into the cool stuff here)
- Using the (awesome) Presets
Chapter 02: My best tips from years of running liquid sims
- My best tips for beautiful & realistic liquid sims
- My best tips for FASTER liquid sims
- Finding cool dynamic liquid shots & angles
- Hardware Recommendations for faster simming
- My best tips to make money with liquid sims
- My best tips to GET IDEAS for cool & unique liquid sims
Chapter 03: Introduction to Phoenix
- Simulation tab (Start, Pause, Stop, Resume, Backup Interval, Initial State)
- Grid settings (Grid Resolution, Walls, Adaptive grid, Maximum Expansion)
- Dynamics settings (Steps per frame, Time Scale, Initial Fill)
- Preview tab (Detail reduction, show mesh, special display)
- Output and rendering tab (Scene interaction, grid channels, meshing, cacheless sim)
- Liquid emitter settings (Noise, textures, polygon ID, RGB, viscosity)
Chapter 04: Water Splash Techniques
- Soda cans water splash project
- Side splash Quick Tip
- Frozen time Quick Tip (+ path constraint)
- Limes Splash with Brush emit mode
- Ramp Splash Quick Tip + HDRI Lighting & Chaos Cosmos
- Confine & Cutter Geometry (only run simulation inside specified object)
- Surface Tension / Droplet Breakup & Droplet Radius Explained
- Scene Scale Explained
- Steps per Frame explained (more is NOT always better!)
Chapter 05: Forces
- Turbulence
- Plain force
- Path follow
- Body Force
- Sun lighting & caustics setups
- Vortex force & RGB mixing
- Wave force
Chapter 06: Introduction to Foam
- Foam Quick Start
- Birth
- Resimulation
- Lifespan
- Size
- Size Distribution
- Generating foam from objects
- B2B
- Rising and falling speed
- Sticky foam
Chapter 07: Particle Shader
- Particle shader introduction
- Size & variation
- Count multiplier
- Render settings
- All of My BEST TIPS to avoid FLICKER in animation involving foam
Chapter 08: Liquid Projects with Foam
- Let’s Create Some Ice Cubes from Scratch
- Soda can pour
- Bubbles slow motion close-up
- Slow motion fruit drop with extra bubbles
- Wine flip
Chapter 09: Viscosity
- Viscosity Introduction / Mixing Different Viscosities
- Sticky liquid
- Non-Newtonian explained
- Getting the coiling effect
- Folding chocolate & Grid Channel Smoothing (new feature)
Chapter 10: The Particle Tuner
- Particle Tuner Introduction (e.g. stop liquid from moving if viscosity is 1.0)
- Particle Tuner Introduction Part 2 (affect by body force if age is greater than 1 second AND within 5 cm to object)
- Transparent Liquids RGB Mixing Quick Tip
- Mixing water and paint (2 materials, 2 viscosities, 1 sim box)
- Melt and Color by viscosity (e.g. the higher viscosity the more orange the color)
- Melt by proximity (e.g. if liquid is within 10cm to sphere, lower its viscosity to 0.25)
- Harden Liquid (Donut Frosting) / e.g. if the liquid is older than 1s, increase its viscosity to 1.0)
Chapter 11: tyFlow
- Fill Glass with ice cubes using tyFlow PhysX
- Drop ice cubes into water with tyFlow
- tyFlow Condensation
- Rain with tyFlow Particles
- tyFlow PhysX Fluid Introduction (floating dynamic objects)
Chapter 12: Bonus lessons, Project Files & Quick Tips
- Wetting
- Liquid on Fire
- Milk Dissolve (Mesh a smoke plume as geometry)
- Active Bodies Overview
- Cover objects with bubbles project file
- Bath Bubbles Bonus Project File
- O Pour with Bubbles & Foam project file
- End Credit Splash project file
- RFX Logo Paint Splash project file
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Salepage: Phoenix Beginner Liquid FX Course 2.0 by RedefineFX – Jesse Pitela