Shipping Policy
Quick answer:
You can view and download the digital items you have purchased from the My Account section.
If you have any questions about an item or an order, please contact the seller.
Digital items come in two types:
- Instant download: If you have made the payment, it may take a few minutes for the download link to be sent to you via the email you have registered for the purchase.
- Download by order: The products will be sent to you within the timeframe mentioned in the information section. We will send your files to you once we have completed them.
1. I can’t find my download notification email.
We share the course through Google Drive, so please make sure to provide the correct email format that can access Google Drive.
First, please check your spam or junk folder. If you’re using Gmail, also check the Social and Promotions tabs.
If it’s not there, please contact us at [email protected] for prompt assistance.
2. Where can I find my digital purchase transaction in my account?
To access your digital files from your account:
a. Log in to
b. Go to your Account.
Alternatively, you can refer to the guide at support center.
3. When will I receive my ordered digital item?
The delivery timeframe for ordered digital items may vary. You can find more information in the description section.
4. I can’t watch the video.
To watch the video, you need to download it to your PC or laptop. Please note that video files can be large, so it may take some time to download depending on your internet connection.
Once downloaded, you can use the VLC media player to watch the video. It is an open-source and free software that you can download from this link:
If your computer notifies you that the file is corrupted, please delete the file and try downloading it again.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our customer support team via email at [email protected] for assistance.