Video for Photographers 02: Filmmaking on Location Information
If you are transitioning from still photography to video, you already have a substantial set of skills. But it helps to see techniques unique to filmmaking, like camera movement, continuous lighting, and recording sound, in action.
Join Emmy-winning filmmaker Eduardo Angel on set at a beautiful winery in Oregon, where he captures stills, video, and sound for a promotional clip. Witness all the steps, from concept to delivery, from the perspective of a two-man crew, traveling light and working with a limited budget—a situation most shooters encounter nowadays.
Eduardo covers topics such as location scouting, working with available light, and getting great interviews. He also shows his favorite gear and even shares tips on packing!
Make sure to watch Video for Photographers 01: Filmmaking Essentials to brush up on the key technical concepts.
What You’ll Learn In Video for Photographers 02: Filmmaking on Location?
- Welcome – 1m 18s
1. Pre-Production
- Writing/visual storytelling – 5m 43s
- Budget, crew, and gear – 59s
- Equipment list – 12m 26s
2. Production
- Location scouting – 5m 47s
- Establishing and exterior shots – 8m 58s
- Getting coverage – 3m 42s
- Moving the camera – 2m 22s
- Working with natural light – 3m 22s
- Working with artificial light – 4m 31s
- Working with mixed light – 4m 13s
- Recording audio – 6m 54s
- Getting good interviews – 3m 17s
3. Post-Production
- Introducing video post-production – 1m 47s
- Backing up on the set and in the studio – 5m 54s
- Using ShotPut Pro to backup – 1m 42s
- Deconstructing the editing process – 3m 23s
- Adobe Premiere Pro basic workflow – 3m 34s
- From Lightroom to Premiere Pro – 3m 56s
- Delivering the final video – 54s
- Next steps – 32s
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Salepage: Video for Photographers 02: Filmmaking on Location – Eduardo Angel