Color Fundamentals Information
Learn color as it applies to any field.
This class will give you an overview of color principles and demonstrate how to apply them. Instructor Mary Jane Begin is an award-winning illustrator and author of children’s picture books, a Rhode Island School of Design graduate and professor in the Illustration Department.
In this class she covers:
- The elements of color, including value, temperature, saturation, hierarchy, complements, light, harmony, and contrast
- The use of color complements in image making
- The relationship of color to the medium and expression
Through a series of demonstrations, you’ll learn how to work with color and ultimately make better color decisions. This class covers color theory foundations that applies to all image making, in design, art, illustration, photography, and beyond.
What You’ll Learn In Color Fundamentals?
- Class Introduction
- Understanding the Basics of Color
- Color Contrast and Hierarchy
- Saturation or Vibrancy of Color
- Ground or Surface Color
- What is Color Harmony?
- Color Palette
- Set-up Chalk & Charcoal Demo
- Demo: Sketch Simple Still Life
- Demo: Establish Value Structure
- Demo: Find Temperature Balance
- Demo: Shadow & Highlight Placement
- Demo: Establish Dimensional Form of Object
- Set-up Watercolor Demo
- Demo: Establish Color Ground
- Demo: Establish Colors for Object
- Demo: Sketch Object onto Watercolor
- Demo: Color Subtraction & Value Range
- Demo: Color Blocking for Composition
- Demo: Establish the Shadow Tone
- Demo: Utilization of Opaque Color
- Desaturate Image in a Picture
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